Docker ====== The easiest way to get the project started is by using `Docker Compose`_. Prerequisites ------------- * `Docker`_ * `Docker Compose`_ Docker basics ------------- 1. Clone or download the code from `Github`_ in a folder like ``drc``: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone drc Cloning into 'drc'... ... $ cd drc 2. Start the database and web services: .. code-block:: bash $ docker-compose up web -d Starting drc_db_1 ... done Starting drc_web_1 ... done This starts the web service and any services that it depends on. It can take a while before everything is done. Even after starting the web container, the database might still be migrating. You can always check the status with: .. code-block:: bash $ docker logs -f drc_web_1 3. Create an admin user and load initial data. If different container names are shown above, use the container name ending with ``_web_1``: .. code-block:: bash $ docker exec -it drc_web_1 /app/src/ createsuperuser Username: admin ... Superuser created successfully. 4. Point your browser to ``http://localhost:8000/`` to access the project's management interface with the credentials used in step 3. If you are using ``Docker Machine``, you need to point your browser to the Docker VM IP address. You can get the IP address by doing ``docker-machine ls`` and point your browser to ``http://:8000/`` instead (where the ```` is shown below the URL column): .. code-block:: bash $ docker-machine ls NAME ACTIVE DRIVER STATE URL default * virtualbox Running tcp://: 5. To shutdown the services, use ``docker-compose down`` and to clean up your system you can run ``docker system prune``. More Docker ----------- If you just want to run the project as a Docker container and connect to an external database, you can build and run the ``Dockerfile`` and pass several environment variables. See ``src/drc/conf/`` for all settings. .. code-block:: bash $ docker build . && docker run \ -p 8000:8000 \ -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=drc.conf.docker \ -e DB_USERNAME=... \ -e DB_PASSWORD=... \ -e DB_HOST=... \ --name drc $ docker exec -it drc /app/src/ createsuperuser Loading initial data -------------------- The container will load any fixtures it can find at startup time. The default location is ``/app/fixtures``, so you can mount a volume containing JSON fixtures to populate your database initially. You can override this location through the ``FIXTURES_DIR`` environment variable. Only ``*.json`` files are considered. .. _Github: .. _Docker: .. _Docker Compose: