
All settings for the project can be found in src/drc/conf.

The file overwrites settings from the base configuration.

From environment variables

The settings listed below are pulled from environment variables.

  • SITE_ID: the ID of the site. Should be 1 unless you serve multiple domains with the same database/codebase.

  • SECRET_KEY: a strong secret key, used in various cryptographic process. We recommend generating one using the secret key generator. Required.

  • MIN_UPLOAD_SIZE: the minimal request body that should be allowed, defaults to 4Gb. Note that this must also be set in the webserver config, at least for the /api/v1/enkelvoudinginformatieobjecten endpoints.

    This envvar is consumed by the Docker-compose nginx config, uwsgi server and Django itself.


The database credentials on Docker have sane defaults.

  • DB_NAME: name of the database to connect with.
  • DB_USER: username to connect to the database as.
  • DB_PASSWORD: password to connect to the database with.
  • DB_HOST: hostname of the database.
  • DB_PORT: port number of the database, set if using a non-default.


  • ADMINS: a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses. They receive e-mails for crash reports.
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: a comma-separated list of domain names and/or ip-addresses where the project is hosted. By default anything is allowed.
  • IS_HTTPS: used to build fully qualified URLs. Defaults to ‘yes’.
  • SENTRY_DSN: Sentry project URL for error monitoring. If provided, crash reports are sent to Sentry.